Friday 2 September 2016

Star sapphire for sale from the mines - direct


star sapphire from the mines - direct

Star sapphire is rare variety of sapphire that exhibits a rare asterism under specific lighting. When viewing star sapphire, a six-rayed star will appear to float across the surface of the stone. The effect is best viewed under a direct light source and while tilting and rotating the stone from different angles. Star sapphires contain unusual tiny needle-like inclusions of rutile. Aligned needles that intersect each other at varying angles produce the rare phenomenon known as asterism. Star sapphires can range in color from blue in various tones to pink, orange, yellow, green, lavender, gray or black. The most desirable color is a vivid, intense blue. Most star sapphire exhibits a white star, but star sapphire from Thailand is famed for its gold colored asterism.

Star sapphire (corundum family of precious stone another is  ruby) second hardest material on earth, second only to diamond. The name 'corundum' comes from the Sanskrit word 'kuruvindam', meaning 'ruby sapphire', while the term 'sapphire' is derived from the Persian word 'safir', which originates from the Greek word for 'blue

Star Sapphire Gemstone and Jewelry Design Ideas 

In ancient times, ,traditionally,star sapphire was regarded as a powerful talisman guiding travelers and seekers of all kinds. Star sapphire is one of the most durable materials and can be worn daily in just about any gemstone jewelry application including daily-wear rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, pins and brooches. Star sapphire is ideal for jewelry that is exposed to direct light, such as cabochon rings. When worn as earrings, star sapphire gems may not receive enough direct light for their six-rayed stars to show. Star sapphire is rarely available in large sizes, so most jewelry will feature small stones only. Some black star sapphires can be found in large sizes and these are perfect for oversized rings and pendants. Black and blue star sapphire gemstones are very popular for men's jewelry.
Gems Cut as Cabochons?
In the gemstone world, a cabochon is a stone that is cut with a highly polished rounded or convex top with no faceting and a flat or slightly domed base. A cabochon may be cut in any shape, though oval is by far the most common. The term comes from the French caboche, meaning knob or small dome. Certain stones are almost always cut "en cabochon", including opalturquoise, onyx, moonstone, and star sapphire. In the gemstone world you will often hear the term cabochon shortened to "cab".
 Cabochons  polished star sapphire

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