Monday 5 September 2016

what to do if you are involved in a road accident? IN Malaysia TAKE CARE


what to do if you are involved in a road accident?  IN  Malaysia  TAKE CARE -
Image result for image of tow truck in malaysiatow  truck in Malaysia they are a danger .Incidents have been reported  deliberate oil spilling on the road then hiding nearby to tow away the vehicle  - was  reported in Karak highway
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what to do if you are involved in a road accident?  IN  Malaysia

 You may have injured yourself or another person or you may have damaged your vehicle or another person's vehicle in the process. If critical go to nearest hospital  leave the car behind WITHOUT BLOCKING THE ROAD IF POSSIBLE-Get a medical report and if possible copies of medical reports.


 The best option is to call your car’s official service centre or dealer for emergency roadside assistance. Certain models with electronic gear selectors and/or parking brakes may even need a special tool to engage a “tow mode.” Otherwise, the next best choice is to go with the tow truck service provided by your motor insurance company, or an association like AAM (Automobile Association of Malaysia) that offers breakdown services.
At the accident site

call the police,call the insurance,call any one who can help /assist you

Toll truck operator will be there in a min Do not entertain him- call insurance get them to take the vehicle to an Branded authorised  service center/repair center. Possible after arrival the police for them to record the even position of vehicles

   Take down (take photo)the particulars of the vehicles involved in the accident -- registration numbers, If possible make of the vehicle (year and model), and colour.

  Next, take down the particulars of the driver/passengers/witnesses -- name, address, identity card number, driving licence number, and telephone number (work and home).

 take some photographs of the accident site as well as the vehicles involved. Remember to keep the negatives in a safe place as photographs without their negatives may not be admissible as evidence in court.

At the police station

You should make a police report within 24 hours of the accident at the nearest police station. If you are injured, seek medical aid first and then you can make a police report at the police beat base in the hospital. In your report you must explain how the accident happened.

You can write out the report in Bahasa Malaysia and then sign at the bottom of the report. If you cannot write in Bahasa Malaysia you can explain to the police officer on duty who will write it down for you.PROBABLY - Always ask for a certified copy of the police report.

Dealing with the damage

1.     Read your insurance policy carefully. You should report the accident to your insurance company within the period stated in your policy. Otherwise your insurance company will not entertain your claim.

2.     Arrange for your vehicle to be towed to an authorised workshop.AUTHORISED BY THE MAKE OF THE VEHICLE  Here the damage to your vehicle will be assessed by assessors from the insurance company.

3.     If you are injured, get medical attention immediately. Get a medical report and if possible copies of medical reports.

Keeping records

You should keep a proper record of the following:

  • all particulars taken down
  • certified copies of police report
  • medical reports
  • receipts for expenses incurred, e.g. medical fees, transport charges, rental of vehicle, etc.
  • documents supporting your claim -- photographs and negatives, repair bills, receipts, medical reports.

Claiming for damage to your vehicle

There are two ways of claiming for damages to your vehicle.

(1) Claim from your own insurance company

Examine your insurance policy and note the excess clause in your policy. In order to claim from your own insurance company, your claim must exceed the excess clause. Then, the insurance company will pay the difference between your claim and the excess amount.

For example, if the excess clause is RM1,000 and your claim is RM800, you will not be able to claim from your own insurance company. But if your claim is for RM1,800, then you will be paid RM800.

Always remember that when you claim from your insurance company, you will lose your no-claim bonus.

(2) Claim from the other party's insurance company

You can also claim from the other party's insurance company. If you decide to do so, it is preferable to engage a lawyer.

Engaging a lawyer (personally i would not think about a  lawyer at this stage)

If you want to file a claim, you should engage a lawyer. Remember, you have a right to choose your own lawyer. So, do not be influenced by people who pester you to accept the services of lawyers whom they represent.

Your lawyer will ask you to sign a warrant to act. This is a document appointing him/her as your lawyer and authorising the lawyer to act on your behalf. ( PERSONALLY IF I HAVE TO PAY THE LAWYER BEFORE INSURANCE  PAYMENT I  WOULD NOT EMPLOYER A LAWYER-A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY) LAWYER MUST AGREE HIS FEES MUST COME FROM THE OTHER SIDE OR INSURANCE!  THATS FOR ME

What will your lawyer do?

Your lawyer will:

  • take down a full statement from you and examine all the documents that you have, consider the evidence, and explain to you the types and the quantum of claims that you may be granted.
  • write letters to the police station for copies of the police reports as well as the sketch map of the accident site.
  • if you have not obtained the medical reports, the lawyer will write to the hospital for medical reports.
  • write to the insurance company concerned for compensation.
  • if no adequate compensation can be obtained, the lawyer will file a civil suit, prepare the documents and get ready for trial. Even at this stage, parties are free to arrive at a settlement.
What can you claim?
An injured person can claim for special damages, and general damages.
  • Special damages -- These are claims for specific expenses (e.g. transport, repairs to vehicles, hiring another vehicle, medical expenses). Generally, special damages deal with specific monetary expenses, incurred by the claimant as a result of the accident.
  • General damages -- These are compensations for pain and suffering as a result of injuries caused to a person.
Keeping records
If the matter goes to trial, then the Court will have to decide the issues of :
  • Liability -- Who is responsible for causing the accident?
  • Quantum -- How much should the injured party receive?

If the defendant is fully responsible for the accident, he will be said to be 100% liable.

There may also be instances when the claimant is also partly responsible for the accident. In such a case, the plaintiff is said to be contributorily negligent.

In this case the Court will assess the degree of the claimant's responsibility in percentage terms in causing the accident and reduce the quantum accordingly.

Thus, if the Court finds that the claimant is 50% liable, then the Court will reduce the quantum by 50%.

Collecting the money

The cheque will issued by the insurance company in your name and will be forwarded to your lawyer. Your lawyer will then inform you to come to his office to collect the cheque.

One final warning!  THIS IS CAPITALISTIC SOCIETY MONEY -ONLY -TALKS  ,PLENTY WILL COME TO ASSIST TO SLAUGHTER TOO TAKE CARE.At  a time like this you will be fragile but they do not care

Remember you have a right to choose your own lawyer.TO  TRUCK OPERATOR ,REPAIR CENTRE  Do not be forced into choosing a lawyer TRUCK OPERATOR ,REPAIR CENTRE,by touts.

you should never hand over your vehicle to someone that you do not know or trust, especially so if they appear even a tiny bit dodgy. Even if they appear to be nice, it’s always wise to err on the side of caution. Know that you have the rights to refuse their service and wait for your preferred tow truck to arrive.

this is very interesting story a true story in Malaysia  take care

a response to  the above  the opinions advice stated are no by this blogger but for outside source except at your wish only On thing for certain DO NOT ALLOW TOW TRUCK OPERATOR TO TOUCH YOUR CAR- EVEN TOUCHING CAN CAUSE YOU MONEY
drMpower on Jun 08, 2015 at 11:21 pm
this webpage fails to mention one thing. the one and only thing – DO NOT MOVE THE CAR regardless of whatever the situation is, until the official insurance roadside service arrives.
nevermind the jam and traffic piles up – i am saying this honest and sarcasm free – you just dont panic and keep asking everyone to wait for the insurance roadside service arrives. even if you see people cursing or angry people all round you, in the above case including the pressuring police people.
that should be your first and foremost concern

    • sick&tired on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:09 am
      if your car is causing a jam, then you should try move it!
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      • BeenThereBefore on Jun 09, 2015 at 9:32 am
        You know drMpower does have a point. But I’m not saying leave your car in the middle of the road and cause a massive jam, just move it to the side. Don’t ever ever deal with some tow trucks on the road if you have to slightest doubt on them. I’ve cursed people blocking the road before, but when you are in that situation, everything’s changed.
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        • Same L0rrrr on Jun 09, 2015 at 4:19 pm
          Now you see why Toyota is so popular:
          1. With Toyota, you hardly have break down on the roadside.
          2. Toyota provide you 24/7 road assist service.
          With Toyota, you are hassle worry.
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          • das auto on Jun 09, 2015 at 8:39 pm
            But your lousy toyota got no VSC and always crash. Every time I see accident on the road. 99/100 times its a toyota or perodua.
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          • Same L0rrrr on Jun 09, 2015 at 11:52 pm
            The car won’t crash to another car without a driver. You choke when you eat, then you blame your bowl?
            However, the car will break down itself and stall the traffic. 100/100 times it is a Proton.
            *the broken down Iswara/wira/waja have no vsc abd airbags too, so what say you?
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          • “engineered” be carefull guys when u at r&r & highway
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        • on Jun 09, 2015 at 4:34 pm
          you should cursed ppl who slow down or stopped their vehicle and watch what is happening. Sometime slow down will cause more accident. Some ppl just never realized the danger of the situation. If you want to help park your vehicle properly without blocking the way.
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        • MyFoot on Jun 11, 2015 at 5:55 pm
          you dont have to blame the bowl but you may think of eating with a plate instead.
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    • fast5 on Jun 09, 2015 at 9:58 am
      You sure cause more trouble to others… Hope if the Ambulance won’t thanks you for causing to much jam !!!
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    • Shaekey on Jun 09, 2015 at 11:05 am
      Today, almost everybody carry a smartphone. Take a picture or a short clip of the incident and its surrounding and then move your car to the side of the road if possible.
      I hate to see people with minor accident and a small dent on the bumper yet causing a massive traffic jam on the road simply because they insist to move and and arguing with the other party in the middle of road.
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    • dugongx on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:55 pm
      Never sign anything with these thugs. If they forcefully tow your car and ask for ransom, just make police report for theft.
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      • And stay without car for months… Police will do nothing, will ask to go to court first, to get the confirmation to file the case and later bla bla follow up etc.
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  • Many of these independent tow truck are heartless thugs who should be in jail or better still given the hudud punishment.
    If they can engineer accidents that can kill you and your family, do you think they care about your wellbeing at all?
    I personally experienced these thugs trying to engineer crash on the Plus Highway, both times just after Tapah going up the long uphill road towards Ipoh.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 60 Thumb down 1
  • tokmoh. on Jun 08, 2015 at 11:33 pm
    Sam Loo, relek la brader.
    VW tengah promo murah2, nanti mesti sales naik, pi la baham diorang. Pompuan lagi suka pakai VW, kill 2 birds with 1 stone, jual undergarment skali pun bole kat diorang.
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  • transformer on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:04 am
    I had experienced once on PLUS(before Nilai exit(3-5km) bcoz of water hose broke apart), within 30min of distant, driving slow bcos high temperature, at least 7-8 tow truck operator approached me wanted to tow my car. But i refused! even 2 PLUS highway patrol came and keep asking me to let tow truck operator tow. At the end i exit Nilai, park my car near some shop, remove that broken hose, ride a Taxi(to&fro, 20minutes, charged Rm35 without meter), went to nearest spare part shop buy(Rm15.00 a piece) and back to install myself, refill water from toll toilet, took me 3hours(difficult to find Taxi) and continued my journey. Taxi uncle said i’m lucky not to let them towed my car.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 80 Thumb down 1
    • Add-A-Comment on Jun 09, 2015 at 8:41 am
      problem is…i do not know how to fix the hose. I am no Mr. MacGyver =(
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      • carazy on Jun 09, 2015 at 10:26 am
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      • Magnet on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:29 pm
        Youtube to the rescue. No excuse not to know anything with Google and the internet at your fingertips.
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    • thughole on Jun 09, 2015 at 8:05 pm
      exactly same occurance on my fren, he is not aware of such case, he got everything in his engine compartment teared out, after got towed to the black shop.
      paid 2k just to release his car, paid another 2k to tow and then fix his car to decent workshop.
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  • sick&tired on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:07 am
    our police busy harassing opposition and NGO’s!
    BTW certain insurance also provide towing services.
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    • Sam Loo Ori on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:46 am
      policeman busy minum teh tarik, makan kuih lapis and raping indon girls in lockup. No time to answer your calls mate
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    • trollmaster3000 on Jun 09, 2015 at 2:54 am
      you’ll receive no help from popo.. unless you’re a vvip that is.. yeah malaysia boleh..
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  • Implement JPJ dress code requirements? That is utterly bull**** while we have things like this happening in Malaysia, I dare to assume it happen everyday without fail.
    We have bigger problems, and this is only one of it.
    This is what we should really rectify, as you would never want things like this happened to you or your beloved one.
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    • jambalaya on Jun 10, 2015 at 9:25 am
      hey KY jeli, stay on topik la. blame jpj because u got scam by tow truk? dafak la grow a brain plz
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  • cobra on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:35 am
    Nowdays, many insurers provide free towing service for certain distant. If out of boundary, the charges are reasonable. Always put the sticker with insurance company contact number on the windscreen. During emergency just call them.
    Had experience car broken down before. Those thuggish tow truck swarm around me in no time. But I was really firm and steadfast and they finally left me alone. Even those highway operator tow trucks work in cohort with unscruplous workshop. Dont trust them.
    Once a friend car involved in accident. He was being harassed by those tow truckers in agressive manner. He called some buddies to come over. We all went over in about 5 cars. There were about 10 of us now. And the tow truck fellas backed off just like pussies.
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  • mzma on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:51 am
    “Police Traffic” also work with them lerr….
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  • nabill (Member) on Jun 09, 2015 at 1:58 am
    if im not mistaken , now all insurance companies provide some sort of free towing service…
    but on a general note , what the hell happened to msia ????!!
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  • KING on Jun 09, 2015 at 5:02 am
    Since we have the photo why the police don’t want to take action and investigate the matters? I hate dealing with this kind of A$$hole.
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  • anuar on Jun 09, 2015 at 7:13 am
    in between tolls eg on plus highway, plus has to tow your car free of charge to the nearest exit.
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  • Edmond on Jun 09, 2015 at 8:07 am
    No use la…I met 1 thug tow truck driver, he is so fierce that he told me no matter how I will tow ur car… that until a policeman come, the policeman told me he can’t do much help but to let the thug tow my car.
    Police said no choice, the thud is in charge of this area… so what to do? Sometimes I feel so helpless… in this world, who fierce who win….sadly…
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  • kahaifa on Jun 09, 2015 at 8:59 am
    When its concerned the rakyat the authorities just kept their deaf ear doing nothing to implement a strick law because they only look after their political career.
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  • Nips on Jun 09, 2015 at 9:28 am
    I’m wondering if the above already happen, what should be ways to oppose this thugs. Bring them to court? But charged under what?
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  • BigBalls on Jun 09, 2015 at 9:49 am
    I had an experience where I believe I was set up by the tow truck syndicates.
    The road was dark and quiet (bkt jalil highway towards puchong), and out of nowhere there was a pile of bricks, and i kid you not, the bricks are laid out nicely in the middle of the road, i had to swerve violently to avoid collision and my esc kicked in, despite the best effort of the car to control the sudden change in direction, my car (audi a4) brushed the divider and subsequently the tyres were damaged along with my skirting..
    lo and behold, within 2 minutes a tow truck came and pretended to be a good samaritan.. i declined his offer (it was only 200 but i believe they will ask for a bigger ransom later) and slowly drove my car towards the petrol station, they followed and tailgated me, seemingly to intimidate me when they were shouting for me to get their service..
    parked my car at the petrol station and return home with a taxi, before i reclaimed the car with a trusted tow truck company the next day…
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  • Teksi Kangkung on Jun 09, 2015 at 10:12 am
    So, after all the horrible stories and incidents happened to car owners, what have the authorities (police, RTD, consumers association etc) have DONE??
    Are the authorities waiting for reports from victim, then take action ah?
    You mean police will only take action when there was death after robbery?
    You mean JPJ only take action only when scam happpened?
    RTD only make studies, report and lastly take action when there were death involved at certain stretch of road??
    The current govt sucks like Sh**…..Thanks to those voted the BN goons…
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    • Dr Dogter Heart-beat on Jun 09, 2015 at 11:44 am
      Fantastic Country…is there a better place?
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    • das auto on Jun 09, 2015 at 1:01 pm
      where is policeman now? Hiding like chicken.
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  • zaim on Jun 09, 2015 at 10:18 am
    peronda highway pon sama jugak..bukan polis je..
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  • anon on Jun 09, 2015 at 10:42 am
    But for this guy’s case, tyre burst and blocking traffic. How to push?
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  • sudonano (Member) on Jun 09, 2015 at 11:37 am
    I’d be honest, not even the insurance companies are good.
    I had a car that broke down, under warranty. Called up the manufacturer, and they told me they would take 3 hours to get a tow for me. In the same time, was trying to get contact with my insurance company instead, they had no idea what time they could get theirs, so I waited. In the mean time, after an hour, the insurance company called to inform some guy is coming in an hour, while my manufacturer called back to say they have found a guy to come in 30 minutes, Tried to cancel the insurance company one, they could not and I had to deal with speaking to the tow guy directly over the phone.
    Which is refused, although he was almost 20 km from where I was, while my manufacturer tow was 5 km away. He still got there after my manufacturer’s tow came and when I declined he called the “insurance company” (in actual fact the boss of the tow place) and made me speak to them.
    Lets just say he got a piece of my mind before I paid him cash to shut up and get lost. A good thing I got the manufacturer to come in to tow it, cause my car has an electronic gear lever and handbrake, so you have to manually enable tow mode if the car can’t start – while the insurance guy wanted to dump it on a dolly – which when I checked my manual after that, the manufacturer doesn’t recommend cause you will fry the diff.
    Let’s just say my next policy will not be from these morons ever. On the other hand, MSIG was pretty good though when they got there in the rain and traffic to have my battery sorted.
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  • Why VW?? on Jun 09, 2015 at 11:40 am
    Seriously this BEQ1708 guy deserves a toast-slam!!
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  • NoPeaceOfMind on Jun 09, 2015 at 12:26 pm
    What the F^&* is going on with the Road Transport Department and the Police!!! This is broad daylight robbery and criminal intimidation!!!
    No actions have been taken so far after deploying over 100k officers in policing twitter?Do we need to put a hashtag in every crime post to get your officers’ attention so that you can get notice?
    DS Liow TL still busy with his official opening of JPJ by having the slogan “JPJ sedia memberi perkhidmatan yang berkualiti kepada rakyat” and no time to look into our road safety???
    C’mon mann, bapak-bapak sekalian yang berada di atas. Your rakyat,voters and non-voters are being bullied in broad daylight and no stern action has been taken against these thugs.
    You have the tow truck’s plate registration number and you still busy crashing into rakyats’ premises to arrest for not paying your RM300 summons. Hello, the victim has paid more than RM2000 just to get his car back from the vultures, more than 6 times the RM300 summon.
    This is getting ridiculous particularly letting the thugs running the business. This is meritocracy at its rotten stage.
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  • zak1881 on Jun 09, 2015 at 1:40 pm
    A similar incident happened to my close family member about 2 years ago. The accident happened in Klang. The so called “call-man” arrived instantly like as though they already knew it was a hot spot for accidents. Within 15 mins, there was a total of 8 cars, all of whom are his friends and they managed to double park the damaged car. They then insisted that we use their workshop for repairs but since the car was quite new, we called the “official service center”. This angered them and they started to threaten us. Claiming that they will be able to locate our home from the number plate. In addition, they also warned us that they will be looking out for our car on the street. When one of us tried to take photos of them, they immediately retaliated and threaten to beat us up and break our phones. The nearest police station was just 5 mins walking distance, one of us already went there. After a long agonizing 30 mins wait with all the threats of beating us up, a police officer came to the scene. To our dismay, they seem to know each other. When our tow truck from the official service center came, he was not allowed to tow our car unless we pay these gangsters. Even the police man instructed these people to move their cars too. However, they threaten again and again in front of the police man to watch our backs. They also told the tow truck driver that his truck will be in danger too if he tows our car. They claimed to be connected to the police station too and spoke quietly to the police. I was in shock because the police man just ignored their threats, even when it was spoken in national language.
    As a commoner, a family with young kids, how could we take such risk to watch our back in the future? We had no choice but to pay these thugs off. If we did not, the official service center tow truck also dare not tow our car away. As long as these thugs are still in business and highly connected, there is no advice to give from this experience of mine. If your car can still move, drive it to the nearest police station. Otherwise, prepare for some handouts.
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    • kaos on Jun 10, 2015 at 11:44 pm
      is it in pandamaran bro?
      i heard that before..
      the workshop name starts with the location name aite?
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      • zak1881 on Jun 11, 2015 at 6:46 pm
        It’s in Pandamaran and I think you’re right but I cannot confirm the workshop name. Their gang consist of chinese and indians who speaks hokkien. All of them driving cheaply modified old locally made cars. Can’t speak english and very snobbish. They approach you looking like gangsters…be careful
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  • sakitmata on Jun 09, 2015 at 2:38 pm
    now that we know the mother company for this tow truck, what then?
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    • busybody on Jun 09, 2015 at 10:34 pm
      just google and see that the founder has some “connections” with the “authorities”
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  • Wahab on Jun 09, 2015 at 5:10 pm
    I had a similar story when I went to the police station kajang to get a report for my car accident so I can claim for insurance , then the police man fooled me by saying “we have to take your car to our recognized workshop to finalize your report” ! I belived him anyway and let him drive !! So you can guess what happens next . (Dirty cops) I still don’t believe how that happened
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  • Ranger on Jun 09, 2015 at 6:11 pm
    I got a hit and run and report polis in PJ where he told me your car is not upside down and it’s hard for them to catch the culprit and they might twist the story, …so I left with do not know when will I can claim my insurance but fixing it my self although small matters…
    Crime does not pay but rewarded in this country because authority is part of the crime ring…
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  • Steven on Jun 09, 2015 at 10:45 pm
    i would like to advise public whenever accident happened. Firstly, pls call your insurance company toll free number to help you to tow the vehicle and it is FREE and cap to RM300 for accident and cap to RM200 if breakdown. This is sufficient for you to tow the vehicle to your insurance panel workshop. Don’t need to listen the towing man say anything. Just be calm and call insurance company as well for further advise.
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  • Kim on Jun 11, 2015 at 6:02 pm
    Calling the insurance company is always the first choice. Not really agree to call the official service centre, even TOYOTA. Especially Toyota Seksyen 15 Shah Alam. Not every service centre are good in service also. Waiting for the fixing will make us frustrated and the quality after fixed going to drive us more crazy. Sent in Toyota seksyen 15 shah alam and after that send in to Toyota shamelin cheras becoz the shah alam one did the shit job. screw also gone few pieces …. damned.

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